Al-Burhan and Hemedti are responsible for protecting civilians

2023-04-19 18:14:10

The White House said today, Wednesday, that the leaders of the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces are responsible for protecting civilians in the ongoing conflict between the two parties, since last Saturday.

White House Press Secretary Karen Jean-Pierre stated, during a press conference, that we call on the army and support forces to abide quickly by the armistice.
And she indicated that we are closely consulting with our partners in the region regarding the situation in Sudan, and we call on the army and support forces to abide by international laws and return to negotiations.
She added that Al-Burhan and Hamidti are responsible for protecting civilians, including citizens of other countries who are currently there, as is the case for our diplomatic mission and their families. (Sky News)

#AlBurhan #Hemedti #responsible #protecting #civilians

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