Alcoool Hangover Remedy: Separating Fact from Fiction and Effective Solutions

2023-12-31 17:46:00

In French pharmacies, a food supplement called Alcoool supposed to prevent hangovers is widely promoted. He promises a drunken evening without consequences. However, there is no evidence of its effectiveness.

Inevitably, a hangover follows the drunkenness of a little too much drinking. But what if there was a remedy to counter this feeling of unease that we tend to accept less and less with age? In any case, this is the promise of “Alcoool”, a food supplement developed by the French company Nonna Lab, supposed to guarantee drinking without consequences.

As reported by the consumer association UFC-Que Choisir, this drink is made up of several plants, vitamins and mineral salts, all of which should act against the effects of a hangover – more politely called “veisalgia” by scientists. The principle is simple: it would be enough to consume “Alcoool” before starting to drink to neutralize the damage of a slightly too drunken evening. For this, vitamins aim to fight against fatigue, while magnesium must act on intellectual performance.

No evidence of effectiveness

However, the effectiveness of these vitamins and of the drink in general is questioned by specialists, underlines UFC-Que Choisir which echoes their doubts this Friday, December 29, two days before New Year’s Eve. New Year.

The main substance highlighted in this supplement is nashi pear which, thanks to its liver enzymes, claims to prevent hangovers. However, few scientific studies have been published on this pear and Nonna Lab has not carried out clinical trials to demonstrate its effectiveness.

For specialists on the issue, the very existence of a food supplement supposed to prevent hangovers is problematic, because of the message it conveys. “If we project ourselves as having a solution to a hangover, we risk abusing alcohol instead of controlling our consumption,” underlines Dr Géraldine Talbot, addictologist and member of the Addiction Federation.

Herbal capsules, herbal teas and foods rich in fiber

So no miracle drug. But if the day after an evening of drinking too much water you are bloated, you feel nauseous and cannot get rid of your headache, “it is recommended to take a tablet or herbal capsules”, advises one pharmacist at the microphone France 3.

Artichoke and charcoal help activate the liver and eliminate toxins. It is also recommended to hydrate yourself with, for example, herbal teas made from mint, ginger and lemon if you have nausea, have eaten too much fat or drank too much.

Resting the liver and eating light is also essential. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber are preferred, while favoring items rich in protein such as avocado or eggs.

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