alert to a new method of deception

The cybercrime is known for constantly reinventing herself and discovering new methods to continue running scams. Recently, specialists discovered a new modality where injured victims end up losing all their savings.

Within the framework of new technologies, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) As the ChatGPTseems to be a tool that is being used more and more in different areas.

Although impersonation of a family member or friend is very common in the world of deception, now the technique became more sophisticated with the advancement of this technology.

AI Cybercrime: How It Works

on this occasion an AI is used to replicate the voice of people. The criminals pose as an “acquaintance” who asks in a desperate and alarming tone for an urgent payment in cryptocurrencies or gift cards to avoid being identified later for their victims.

Day Inteligencia Artificial used by hackers has the function of recreate the tones of a person’s voice. In this sense, cybercriminals take a fragment of voice from any video that is posted on social networks and the software finishes studying the audio sent.

How to protect yourself from online scams

The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic has a series of recommendations to avoid virtual scams.

Turn on two-factor authenticity on social media accounts and WhatsApp or the digital platforms you use.

Do not provide any personal data (usernames, keys, passwords, etc.)

Read each email received carefully.

– Have watch out for suspicious links and always make sure you are on the legitimate page before entering login information.

– You always have to take a minute before acting. Those who carry out this type of scam appeal to emotions, carelessness and urgency.

On the other hand, it should be noted thatand the audios generated by Artificial Intelligence are quite accurate, People have the advantage of knowing the supposed person they are imitating very well..

In that sense, one can identify certain speech features that do not correspond to our familiar or acquaintance.

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