Alexander Emelianenko lost to a blogger weighing 26 kg lighter :: Martial Arts :: RBC Sport

The fight between Alexander Emelianenko and Svyatoslav Kovalenko in Moscow ended with the victory of the latter by a split decision of the judges

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Alexander Emelianenko

(Photo: Global Look Press)

MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko lost to blogger Svyatoslav Kovalenko at a martial arts evening in Moscow.

The fighters were scheduled to fight in three rounds of three minutes each. The fight lasted all three rounds, the judges awarded the victory to Kovalenko by a split decision.

Kovalenko’s weight at the official weigh-in procedure on December 15 was 83.9 kg, Emelianenko – 110 kg, notes Match TV. After the weigh-in, the fighters were supposed to have an ice cream eating battle, but instead smeared each other with ice cream.

Datsik called the fight with Emelianenko “the best example of an anti-alcohol campaign”

Alexander Emelianenko

The 41-year-old Emelianenko has 28 wins, nine losses and a draw in MMA.

At the end of September he lost Vyacheslav Datsik in a boxing match by knockout in 13 seconds, and in February won Jeff Monson in a fist fight.

Kovalenko became a popular blogger thanks to interviews with pop MMA stars. Before the fight with Emelianenko Kovalenko spent 12 pop MMA fights, won eight, drew one and lost three.

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