How do we lose weight without diet?

Eggs do not raise bad cholesterol (Mohamed Rasfan/AFP)

It is a mistake to assume that the only reason people gain or lose weight is because they are CaloriesYou can do a lot and adopt new habits that help achieve our goal. Below is a tour of some habits that may help us.

Eggs at breakfast

Two separate studies have shown that eating eggs in the morning (compared to a bagel breakfast) can help Fat loss. A study was conducted on 152 overweight people, divided into two groups, the first group ate eggs, while the second group ate bread. After 8 weeks, the egg group lost 65% more weight than the bread group, with a greater reduction in BMI by 61%, waist circumference by 34%, and body fat percentage by 16%.
Eggs are among the healthiest foods in the world. Although it is high in cholesterol, studies show that it does not raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and does not lead to heart disease as was once thought.

Smaller dishes

The brain decides whether to eat or not. It is possible to trick the brain into thinking it has eaten more food, by using smaller plates and feeling more satisfied, even if fewer calories are eaten. The larger the plates or bowls, the less the brain thinks the person has eaten.

More protein

There is a lot of evidence that protein can increase Burn fatIt helps to gain muscle, reduces the feeling of hunger, and increases the feeling of satiety, which helps to lose weight naturally. Studies show that increasing protein intake, such as meat, fish and eggs, can lead to weight loss automatically, even when eating food to the point of satiety, because the body spends more calories digesting and utilizing protein than the body spends digesting fats and carbohydrates. In one study, increasing protein intake to 30% of calories caused participants to eat 441 fewer calories per day.

Low calories

Studies show that people who eat low-calorie foods, such as those with a high water content such as vegetables and some fruits, lose more weight than those who eat high-calorie foods. In one study, women who ate soup (low-calorie) lost 50% more weight than women who ate a high-calorie snack.

enough sleep

Inadequate sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity. One study showed that short sleep duration increased the risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% in adults. Lack of sleep leads to a disruption of the satiety hormones (leptin) and an increase in the hunger hormones (ghrelin), which leads to an increase in the desire to eat, and thus causes weight gain.
Excessive stress leads to increased levels of the hormone cortisol, which increases the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, and increases the risk of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, it is very important to set aside time for good sleep, and to avoid daily stress.

Eating without distraction

Eating food or snacks out of boredom is one of the main causes of weight gain and obesity. Many overweight people eat out of habit or boredom, instead of eating out of hunger. This often happens when eating while watching TV or browsing the Internet, so it is advised to stay away from all distractions while eating.

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