All the opportunities to invest and beat inflation

2023-04-18 02:09:55

The March monthly inflation was 7.7 percent and so, the index of year-over-year prices shed 104 percentso the expectations are not very positive for the remainder of 2023. For this reason, the question that is triggered It is where it is convenient to invest to beat inflation.

For this reason, we communicated with the founder of Investment advisor and market specialist Alexander Bianchi who said that “the change of government in Argentina is an opportunity”, “prices are very depressed and there is a sort of electoral trade that allows you to have a position of between 5 to 10 percent of the portfolio“.

On the other hand, “the exchange rate is very depressed and does not have the real value it should have, which makes it very attractive to invest abroad through Cedears“.

The specialist warned that there are still many local stocks that still have a long way to go on the rise ahead of 2023. “The PASO are going to mark a lot the field of what we are going to have in the coming years”. “There are going to be very abrupt movements after these elections.”

The best financial assets to invest

Regarding the financial assets that are on the palate of the interviewee, highlighted the actions of the Argentine financial sector but also, as regards YPF admitted that the oil company’s bonds have maturities in dollars and are an attractive option for the level of return that they have around 13 or 15 percent.

Finally, the specialist evaluated that it is a great opportunity to acquire foreign law dollar bonds due to the high rates maintained by the United States and which could decrease if the Fed finds itself with an administration in recession.

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