All you need to know about the stars

The different physical entities that exist in the universe are known Stars, or more formally as the celestial bodies, from an astronomical perspective. Strictly speaking, stars are singular and unique elements whose existence is assumed or proven by scientific methods of space observation; For this reason they constitute a class of astronomical bodies, among which there may be multiple bodies, such as rings of planets or asteroid belts, consisting of many different elements.

I bewitched Elements found in outer space on our planet Humanity Since ancient times Much effort has been devoted to observing and understanding it, through telescopes, space probes, and even a manned flight to the moon. Thanks to these efforts, we have been able to learn a lot about the other worlds that exist, the galaxy that includes them, and the infinite universe that contains everything.

However , Not all stars can be seen with the naked eye , even with the help of an ordinary telescope. Others even require a special scientific apparatus or their existence can only be inferred by the physical influences to which they are subject to other bodies around them.

stars of the solar system

The length of the solar system exceeds 4.5 billion km.

The solar system, as we know, is the name given to the neighborhoods of our sun ، The star around which the planets and other elements revolve that form a kind of direct orbit of the ecosystem in space. extends From the sun itself in its center, to the outer edges where there are clouds of mysterious bodies known as the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt. Exceed the length The solar system until its last planet (Neptune) 4500 million km, which is equivalent to 30.10 astronomical units (AU).

In the solar system there are a variety of stars, such as:

  • One star. Sun.
  • 8 planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  • 5 dwarf planets. Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemaki, and Haumea.
  • 400 natural satellites.
  • 3,153 guilty.


the sun
the sun
The closest known star to our planet is the Sun.

stars They are glowing balls of gas and plasma ، which Because of its gravitational force it remains in a permanent state of explosion by atomic fusion. This explosion generates huge amounts of light, electromagnetic radiation and even matter, as the hydrogen and helium atoms inside them become heavier elements, like those that make up our planet. Dr

Stars can be of different types, depending on their size, atomic content, and the color of the light emitted by their brightness. The closest to our planet is the Sun , although at night a variable number of stars can be seen at a distance from the sky. It is estimated that there are about 250,000 million stars in our galaxy.


Earth is the only planet that contains liquid water in huge quantities.

planets phrase About objects of variable sizes and circular shape , consisting of the same gaseous substance that gave rise to stars or originated from them, but is infinitely cooler and more dense, and thus acquires different physical and chemical properties. There are gaseous planets (like Jupiter), rocky planets (like Mercury), icy planets (like Neptune), and there is Earth, the only planet that contains liquid water in massive amounts, and therefore the only planet that contains life, that we know of.

according to its size, One can also talk about dwarf planets Some of them are so small that their shoulders cannot rub against the ordinary planets, but at the same time they are too large to be considered asteroids, and this also leads to an independent existence, meaning that they are not satellites. from nobody.


the moon
the moon
The only satellite of our planet Earth is the Moon.

Orbiting the planets, it is possible to find stars that are similar but much smaller in size, which It is attracted by its own gravity and stays in orbits more or less close to it without falling into it or moving away completely.

This is the case for the only satellite of our planet: the Moon and the many stars of the other major planets, as is the case for the satellites of Jupiter, which today are estimated at 79. These satellites can have the same origin as a related planet, or they can come from other sources, only to get stuck in the gravity that keeps it in orbit.

Comets can come from groups of trans-Neptune objects.

Comets are called different mobile celestial bodies Composed of ice, dust and rocks of different origin . These objects orbit the Sun in elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic orbits, and are recognizable because, as they approach the star, heat melts the ice caps and gives them a very distinctive gaseous “tail”. Known comets are part of the solar system and have predictable paths, like the famous Halley’s Comet, which passes us every 76 years.

The exact origin of comets is unknown, but everything indicates that they are It can come from groups of trans-Neptunian objects such as the Oort cloud or the Kuiper belt, located about 100,000 AU from the Sun, at the edge of the Solar System.


Some asteroids wander through space and can pass through the orbits of planets.

asteroids she Rocky bodies of various composition (generally metallic or metallic elements) and irregular shapes, much smaller than a planet or a satellite.

Without an atmosphere, most of those who make life in our solar system They form a large belt between Mars and Jupiter , thus separating the inner planets from the outer planets. On the other hand, others wander through space and can traverse the orbits of planets, or become satellites of a larger star.


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Meteorites are bits of comets and asteroids that have been left wandering.

This is the name given to the smallest objects in our solar system

that Less than 50 meters in diameter but larger than 100 micrometers (and therefore larger than cosmic dust).

They may be fragments of comets and asteroids that have been left wandering, which may be attracted to a large extent by the planets’ gravitational pull, entering the atmosphere and transforming into you need . When the latter occurs, the heat of friction with the atmospheric air heats it up and evaporates it in whole or in part. In some cases, meteorite fragments can collide with the Earth’s surface.


Nebulae can be the product of star destruction.

nebulae phrase For masses of gases, mainly hydrogen and helium

In addition to cosmic dust and other elements scattered in space

It is held in place in one way or another by the forces of gravity. Sometimes ,

The latter is severe enough to start compressing all this stellar material

In this way, they give rise to new stars.

In turn, these invasive assemblies can be The product of star destruction

Such as a supernova, or conglomerate material left over from the production process of young stars.

The closest nebula to Earth is the Helix Nebula, which is 650 light years from the Sun.


The galaxy in which our solar system is located is the Milky Way.

star clusters are formed, Which may each have its own solar system

Along with nebulae, cosmic dust, comets, asteroid belts and other celestial bodies

Larger units are known as galaxies.

According to the number of stars a galaxy is made of

We can talk about dwarf galaxies (107 stars) or giant galaxies (1014 stars);

But we can also classify them according to their appearance

In spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, lenticular galaxies, and irregular galaxies.

The galaxy in which our solar system is located is the Milky Way

It is named after the mother’s milk of the goddess Hera of the ancient Greek civilization.

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