Almonds, sesame seeds, bananas… Why is ‘Magnesium’ essential for our body?

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles and immune system. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Recently, there are many people who take nutritional supplements rather than meals because they want to take care of their health. From lactobacillus and vitamins to calcium and omega 3, I generously eat a variety of nutrients. Are we really getting all the nutrients our body needs? However, there are nutrients that are neglected among nutrients. That’s Magnesium.

In general, protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids are recognized as essential nutrients that must be ingested. However, there are nutrients that are difficult to realize the importance of even though they are essential nutrients for our body. Magnesium is an example.

Unlike vitamins, iron supplements, protein supplements, and other nutrients that you must supplement even by taking health supplements, magnesium often does not meet the recommended daily amount. However, the function of magnesium is very essential. Especially Nutrients essential for the full functioning of the heart, muscles and immune systemto be. It is a nutrient that is relatively neglected, but it is involved in various functions of our body, so we must eat enough. When magnesium is insufficient, various chemical reactions in the body are not smooth, resulting in poor body functions. do.


However, very few people suffer from a true magnesium deficiency. when magnesium is deficient Nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite symptoms appear. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease or celiac diseasePeople with digestive problems, such as , are more likely to develop a magnesium deficiency. The same goes for people who take medication for heartburn.


Men need 400 mg of magnesium per day, women 310 mg.should be supplemented. In addition, after the age of 30, men need 420 mg and women 320 mg of magnesium. ingested 60% of magnesium is absorbed by bone and the rest is absorbed by various body dispersed and only 1% enters the blood.

As with most nutrients, magnesium is not only a deficiency but also an overdose, so it is good for healthy people to follow the recommended amount. In addition, those with special health issues should consult with experts to determine their intake. The best way is to eat a balanced diet rich in magnesium.


Almonds are among the foods rich in magnesium. Almonds 105 mg magnesium per 1/4 cupcontains Heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin E and antioxidants are also rich, so eating a handful as a snack helps to supplement various nutrients, including magnesium.

Rich in iron and vitamin B6 Sesame seeds also contain about 100 mg of magnesium per 30 g.It is an excellent source of magnesium. Sunflower seeds provide 128 mg of magnesium per 1/4 cup.It contains a very high calcium content. Bananas contain 33 mg of magnesium per regular-sized banana.It contains carbohydrates that help burn fat and activate metabolism, and potassium that helps control blood pressure. Other foods that help supplement magnesium include cashews, tofu, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, milk, oats, broccoli, corn, and peas.

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