Amado Boudou is transferred on a medical flight after his decompensation in Neuquén

2023-05-13 17:50:06

the former vice president Beloved Boudou will be transferred from Neuquén to the Italian Hospital in Buenos Aires in a medical plane at the request of his family, after the decompensation that he suffered last night while giving a talk at the National University of Comahue (UNCo).

The director of the Castro Rendón hospital, Adrián Lammel, confirmed to the newspaper La Mañana de Neuquén that Boudou’s transfer is scheduled for this afternoon, and reported that he is “well and stable and spent the night well.”

What happened to the former vice president in Neuquén

Sources close to the economist indicated that “he suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA) that could be reversed when he was being treated.”

Boudou participated last night in the seminar “40 years of democracy in Argentina: 1983 – 2023. What has been achieved, what is pending and the challenges for the future”, organized by Casa Patria Neuquén and the UNCo Extension Secretariat.

While giving a talk, the former vice president had to interrupt his speech because he began to feel bad and had to be transferred to the care center, which he entered by his own means.

“My friend and colleague Amado Boudou is recovering well after a decompensation he had while giving a talk in Neuquén. Just a scare!! We send the strength and affection of the militancy that we received in transit to our beloved Beloved”, the organization Soberanxs, the political space to which the leader belongs, published this morning on his Twitter account.

#Amado #Boudou #transferred #medical #flight #decompensation #Neuquén

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