“An interesting road home”: Carabineros inspects car of Slash and his partner after show in Chile | arts and culture

Guitarist Slash and Meegan Hodges experienced particular moments on Thursday night as part of their concert at the National Stadium. In addition to being stopped by Carabineros, the influencer shared other episodes that caught their attention.

Meegan Hodges, the partner of Saul Hudson, better known as Slashshared on social networks his particular return to the hotel after the Guns N’ Roses concert at the National Stadium, where he shows how They were stopped by Carabineros personnel.

The influencer shared a series of records of her night, starting with a video in which the driver of the vehicle that was carrying them stops when they have two carabineros standing in front of the car.

A) Yes, the man hands over his documents immediately for a routine check. “They just stopped us after the show here in Chile,” says Hodges, to which all the people in the car start joking about the break, the traffic, and how long it will take for them to come back.

However, that was not the only moment that a missed Hodges shared, since she also uploaded a short video still on the way, where you can see a group of workers repainting signs on the streets.

Also, there was another particular moment in the night, where, wanting to go up the hotel elevator, an alarm started ringing nonstopleaving everyone not knowing what to do because, although some got off the car to avoid excess weight, the sound did not stop.

“Bueno, that was a very interesting way home”the woman wrote, accompanying her writing with different emojis of laughter.

His publication was taken with humor by his followers who, in the same tone, they advised him to take the subway for the next occasionjust as others wrote “welcome to South America”.

Slash and his reaction to the Chilean public

Similarly, the guitarist also left a small record on his social networks about his time at the National Stadium. However, instead of highlighting the details of his return to the hotel, a tweet about the experience on stage was enough.

A deadly public in Santiago de Chile. Thank you for this wonderful moment! ”, Slash wrote after spending about three hours on stage playing the usual classics, leaving his brief episode with Carabineros in oblivion.

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