An open-minded girl used to be beautiful when she was in school. But the husband raised well, gained up to 166 kg, never complained and loved him very much.

Love is unconditional! An open-minded girl used to be beautiful when she was in school. But the husband raised well, gained up to 166 kg, never complained a word and loved him very much.

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Taiwan news agencies are reporting stories of true love more than the novel of a couple that no matter how many years have passed. How much will the girlfriend get fatter? Our love is not old at all. The incident took place in Anhui Province, China by Chen Wanzhi, a girl who used to be the school’s most beautiful flower. With good grades and good voice that it has become a favorite of many male students.

She was born into a rural family with a poor family background. She had a very difficult life. when she was just one year old Her parents went out to earn money, so she left her with her grandparents. made when graduating from high school Parents could not pay tuition, so Chen Wanzi had to quit school and go to work. that is the beginning of love Because she met her husband at the factory and decided to go on a date.

Image courtesy of NetEase News.

She was well cared for and her boyfriend continued to eat delicious food until she gained several kilograms until she asked her boyfriend, “I’m fat and ugly now. Do you still like me?” The fan replied firmly, “Whatever it is, I love you.”

After that, the two decided to get married. But the husband’s parents were very opposed. because she has a chubby figure In the end, the marriage could not be stopped. The couple continued to have a sweet relationship until 10 years later, her weight increased from 50 kg uncontrollably to 166 kg. She had to sleep in two double beds, plus her health. is worse As too much body fat affects our daily life, it is necessary to lose weight in order to stay healthy.

Image courtesy of NetEase News.

In fact, she had been wanting to lose weight for a long time. because when she sleeps with her husband Accidentally placed his arm on the other’s neck. which made him suffocate Later, the husband took his wife to seek medical help. After two years of fully losing weight, Chen Wanzhi’s weight had dropped to 100 kg.

She also appeared on the popular variety show “Happiness Comes to Knock on the Door” in China. She was asked if she would blame her husband for making her fatter. She said:I never hated him one bit. I know whether I’m getting fatter or anything. He will love me unchanged.”

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