an SME-large company partnership charter to improve business relations

(Ecofin Agency) – The quality of the business environment also depends on relations between large companies and smaller ones, which are often called upon to collaborate in their services to the general public. Aware of this, GICAM has decided to act to improve them.

On November 30, the Inter-Patronal Grouping of Cameroon (Gicam) officially launched the partnership charter between large companies and SMEs. This document, which details the rights and obligations of the two entities, aims to improve their business relations. ” The implementation of this charter was one of the strong resolutions of the SME forum. We felt a certain crisis coming“says André Kouam, president of the SME and financing committee at Gicam.

As part of this partnership, a apprisInvest in Cameroon during the presentation, large companies make a commitment to resort to arbitration in the event of a dispute with SMEs, to promote innovation within SMEs, to support their financial structuring, to reduce their dependence on of these, among others.

On the side of SMEs, they will have to strive to respect their commitments vis-à-vis large partner companies, respect all legal obligations, and repay on time the loans made from credit institutions with the endorsement of the big brands. .

This charter could put an end to accusations of non-payment on time of invoices for services made by SMEs to large companies, which generally pollute business relations between the two parties. The big challenge, however, lies in the ability of the parties to respect it, in the absence of binding measures.

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