Analysis of the elections in Roca A short and distant campaign before the new challenge: reinvent yourself

The triumph of Sorismo cannot be explained by a single reason. It is multicausal, but within this combination of factors there are several elements that stand out.

Bring the elections to the earliest possible date it was a success for the roquense officialism. This decision shortened campaign times to a minimum and the opposition did not have enough time to install messages and candidates.

Voting at the end of the summer was not only beneficial because historically -data from surveys- after the Apple Festival is the time of the year with the highest positive image for local authorities.

The continuity plan is also favored because within a society that is increasingly distancing itself from the political-party leadership, calling the polls at the time of return to school, family reorganization, it made it much more difficult to find Roquenses willing to listen and support ideas for change.

None of this can be criticized by the main opposition candidate, Carlos Banacloy, because it is exactly the same thing that his party did with the provincial elections of 2019 and this year.

Far from the cracks of Peronism

Internally, Sorismo was also right in concentrating the campaign at the local level, escaping from the provincial Peronist dispersion and the turbulent present of the national ruling party.

Now, a challenge is opening up for Mayor Soria, because there are increasing probabilities that her next government will have to interact with leaders of different political persuasions at the provincial and national level.

This experience was already lived between 2015 and 2019 in the city and the zero-sum result was in sight with the electoral defeat of Martín Soria four years ago.

This new road that the mayor must build will also implicitly the responsibility of extending the political life of the sector that his father founded20 years ago.

The communal chief will not be able to re-elect in 2027, therefore He only has to think about building an ascending road in the province.

His brother, today the Nation’s Minister of Justice, hardly showed up in the campaign, a sign of a very important negative image to project a return to the Mayor’s Office.

The new scenario will then take them to a place where they have never been, forced to share the spotlight with someone with a different last name.

The failure of the collectors

On the opposition side, the collector strategy deployed by Banacloy did not have the desired effect. And worse than that, it made Juntos Somos Río Negro lose seats, which if he had added all the votes of his candidate for mayor, he would have two seats in the new Council.

Among the rest of the parties, the process of Cambia General Roca was negative. In 2015, the last election in which that force participated, the PRO candidate had achieved 11%. Now the harvest was 7.9 paying the price in addition to having been pointed out by a good part of the political arch as functional to the strategy of sorismo, because they helped divide the opposition

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