Angélica Sepúlveda in a tailspin against Claudia Conserva: What happened?

Written in TRENDS the 14/5/2022 · 17:01 hs

During the last episode of the “Milf” program, where Claudia Conserva appears as a panelist, the blonde declassified details of the moment she met Angélica Sepúlveda in a reality show, revealing that it was a “scary” minute for her.

“I didn’t realize that she was heavy, fearful… Imagine, how scary! We were there and I told her ‘you’re the first eliminated. You’re leaving now, you have to leave the house'”were the statements of Conserva, who also declared that during that moment, “She gave me a look and you know that she melted me with her eyes, she scared me, because they told me ‘this girl is super powerful’, and as an entertainer I had to be there”.

Angélica Sepúlveda’s response to statements by Claudia Conserva

The panelist’s words reached the protagonist of the meeting, Angélica Sepúlveda, who through her Instagram account referred to the subject and gave her version of the meeting.

“Tell me this is a joke!!!!! That it never happened…, the truth is, it surprises me: the cheerleader did not talk with the content producers of the reality show or she is simply lying”started writing the dreaded TV figure.

In addition, he added that Claudia Conserva was “another entertainer” and that she had no weight in her appearance on the reality show. “The animators of any reality show are invisible to me, they don’t pay me to do a show with them, they come in, say 4 or 5 multi-learned phrases and leave. I was in 5 reality shows and to be very honest, the only animators who contributed were Raquel Argandoña and Sergio Lagos”, highlighted.

And finally, he declared: “Do you know what they generate when they talk about me on TV????? It’s simple, that they continue to invite me to all the programs that are on the screen today, and yes, in June I will record with another, because they offered me good lucas… Ending Friday with the best joke (ctm, I looked at her and she melted…, the average person)”.

What did you think of his statements? He comments on @DUPLOS.CL

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