Animal medicine – Grupo R Multimedia

The ninth book by Alejandro Corchs, “The Medicine of the Animals of the Southern Cross”, was presented. In this book accompanied by sixty-four letters, Alejandro Corchs, through the story, and Gusti, through the illustrations, share their views on the medicine of the animals of the Confederation of the Southern Cross, and some other animals, whose medicine considered universal at this time. The authors expressed their perspective on the medicine that each of these animals is Spirit, and that they then display and develop with their behaviors in tangible reality.

They also integrated the different knowledge, that is why in each animal you will first encounter Spiritual medicine and its inverted complementary, and then, hand in hand with different specialists, you will find, with the development of the main biological traits of each one, their habits behavioral, its relationship with the rest of the ecosystem, with the different cultures and the look that each culture projected on that living being.

“With this book we honor the humility of the native peoples, who learn through observation, and our sacred brothers, the animals. We hope that it will be good medicine for you, and we will give you a big hug with love” says Alejandro Corchs.

Corchs is a therapist in Thanatology, a discipline that recognizes death as a natural event in life. She is a group, couple, and family therapist, trained at the Montevideo Gestalt Center. He conceived as a family, the birth of several communities, and lives with his wife and two children, in a reserve of native flora and fauna, made up of families of different philosophies, who agreed to meet to build a space that honors and respects life. and diversity.

He is co-founder of Purificación, a center for psycho-spiritual growth and training for thanatologists. Other works of his are “The return of the children of the Earth”, a saga where he tells the story of his life in a simple way, showing us how he achieved his healing through love. “Thirteen Questions to Love”, where it integrates the ancient indigenous wisdom with contemporary western culture, a precious jewel of self-knowledge. “El Camino a la Libertad”, co-authored with Alejandro Spangenberg, a map book to reach the heart of oneself, whose strokes are backed by years of research in psychology, spirituality, and the integration of both. “I forgave myself”, pain is the fine print of the Life contract and “Inspiration, to get out of Loneliness”, competition with others begins when I feel insecure with myself, this book provides tools to be competent with myself, and learn to live in peace.

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