Animal rights activists demonstrate in Salzburg: “We need wolves for our nature”

2023-10-02 10:46:10

This approach was sometimes heavily criticized. Also from Balluch on Monday: “The wolf is to blame for everything – that is currently the credo of the Salzburg state government. The wolf is to blame for the many dead sheep, but if you look closely there are not that many. Many more sheep are dying due to human neglect. And many more sheep die cruelly due to illegal slaughter.”

Balluch further said: “The excuse that the wolf exists in Siberia anyway, so we can exterminate it here, is completely wrong. We need the wolf here for our forest, for our nature.”

According to the VgT, the best protection for a (sheep) herd from wolves is a herd protection fence and herd protection dogs together with shepherding. This is possible on every alpine pasture if the fence is erected as a night pen. There would be 100% funding from Brussels.

It was only on Thursday of the previous week that the state of Salzburg reported a suspected wolf case from Hollersbach. A dead sheep and another injured sheep were found near the community’s recreational area.

Imminent danger

The mayor of the municipality of Hollersbach, Günter Steiner, called for quick action; in his opinion, there is “danger imminent”. “Such wolf attacks massively unsettle people. We need the opportunity to intervene quickly. In my opinion, the current regulations at European level are no longer tenable. The population no longer understands this,” said Steiner, according to a broadcast from the state media center.

Svazek explained: “The DNA analysis is still pending, but we assume it is a wolf. Unfortunately, if there is a breach, we are too shaky under EU law; no regulation allows that, even if I personally would prefer to intervene But we’ll continue to monitor and as soon as we can handle it, we’ll take advantage of the opportunity.”

The result of the DNA evaluation should be available by the beginning of next week at the latest.

#Animal #rights #activists #demonstrate #Salzburg #wolves #nature

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