Antivax, yellow vests, conspirators… The anti-system sphere votes Marine Le Pen

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Disunited in the first round but still antivax and anti-Macron, the figures of this movement are taking a stand for Marine Le Pen for the second round of the presidential election.

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Disunited in the first round but still antivax and anti-Macron, the figures of this movement are taking a stand for Marine Le Pen for the second round of the presidential election.


Disunited in the first round but still antivax and anti-Macron, the figures of this movement are taking a stand for Marine Le Pen for the second round of the presidential election.

Anti-Macronism is the cause that transcends them all. In this sphere which brings together, on social networks, antivax, yellow vests, antisystem and conspirators, the results of the first round of the presidential were experienced as an explosion. 27.8% for Emmanuel Macron almost 4 points more than in 2017. As if their fights in recent years had been for nothing. “There is a split between the people of the Internet and those of TF1 and France 2, exposes, annoyed, the conspiratorial influencer Silvano Trotta. Alas, they are millions of times more powerful. » “I don’t understand where the problem is. I don’t know anyone who votes Macron and he is still first in the first round! Didn’t they get it, people, or… are they cheating? », a young man shouts in anger in a viral video on Telegram messaging. The accusations of fraud, for a time mentioned last Sunday evening, were quickly swept aside by the community: an impressive number of Internet users said they had gone to the count near their home and reported that, yes, people, ” unfortunately “, vote for Macron.

No electoral contestation the Trump therefore, but a reflex of political survival: the immediate unity behind the banner “Everything but Macron” and its logical consequence, a call to vote for Marine Le Pen . Francis Lalanne, Fabrice Di Vizio, Oliv Oliv, Richard Boutry, Xavier Azalbert, Idriss Aberkane, the main figures in this sphere, took a stand for a Le Pen vote, bringing political unity to a gas movement that had not really hired for a candidate in the first round – even if many leaned towards Nicolas Dupont-Aignan , supported by the health anti-pass Florian Philippot. An informal poll conducted by Silvano Trotta among subscribers to his Telegram channel on the eve of the first round gave these results (out of 36,000 voters): Dupont-Aignan, 58%; Zemmour, 12%; Mélenchon, 11%; Le Pen, 6% Lasalle, 5% white or abstention, 7%. Naturally, Macron had obtained 0%.

Mélenchon’s choice criticized

In all his excess, Francis Lalanne sums up the general feeling. “We absolutely have to vote for a dictator to avoid the dictator. But what tells you it’s going to be a dictator? […] You will mobilize in the second round, you will release this asshole! […] We block Macron, we don’t care who will be elected, “ he belches in a video posted on the networks. The anti-sanitary pass lawyer Fabrice Di Vizio, who supported Dupont-Aignan, passed on the same instructions: “I will vote Marine Le Pen […]. She has one major quality: she is not Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Éric Zemmour would also have had a major quality: they are not Emmanuel Macron. » Others like Richard Boutry, former presenter of France Télévisions, will opt for Marine Le Pen “with a mouthpiece”, the new anti-vaccine convictions go far beyond the anti-extreme right reflexes of the past.

“We must not give a single voice to Mrs. Le Pen!” » Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s short sentence on the evening of the first round had a resounding echo in this sphere of information, perceived as an immense disappointment, a betrayal of the supreme cause, anti-Macronism. The essayist Idriss Aberkane, one of the popular antivax figures, condemned the position of the Insoumis leader, believing that he had missed a historic chance to reconstitute the National Council of Resistance. “Can he work with Le Pen? But, finally, the Communists worked with those who were to become the OAS. Don’t tell me it’s not possible! », he commented on Fabrice Di Vizio’s YouTube channel.

Discordant voice in this sphere of information, the Yellow Vest Jérôme Rodrigues took up the mantra «Ni ni» students who blocked the Sorbonne this week: “I tell you: neither. […] Those who say “Macron, he mutilated people, so we vote for Le Pen”, tell yourself that Le Pen will do the same! »

A low electoral weight

More than a surge of lepenism, this between-two-turns rather represents the acme of anti-macronism on anti-system networks. Apart from the question of the reintegration of unvaccinated caregivers, messages of support for Marine Le Pen’s program are rare.

If anti-Macronism makes the Le Pen vote feel guilty for many, we must never overinterpret the electoral influence of these online movements. The Yellow Vests have never weighed on the results of the various polls. The failure of Florian Philippot (only one sponsorship) and the disappointing score of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2.1%) in the first round of the presidential election are a reminder once again that the anger of the networks rarely materializes at the ballot box.

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