Apple loses lawsuit and company can use virtual “copy” of iOS

2023-05-08 21:51:56

The long imbroglio between the Apple it’s at Corellium involving the virtualization tool of the iOS marketed by the security company for developers and researchers has just gained another contour — this time, not so encouraging for Apple.

According to information from the Bloomberga United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit today rejected Apple’s request to reverse a Florida judge’s decision that found Corellium’s tool legal, taking into account the terms of fair use of United States law. The company, it is worth remembering, filed this feature in August 2021.

Also according to the vehicle, the Court not only rejected Apple’s appeal but also reinforced the judge’s decision, saying that the security company’s tool complies with US copyright laws, which allow the reproduction of proprietary materials by other companies. under certain circumstances.

In 2020, Apple argued that Corellium’s products could pose a security threat to iOS and that it made no distinction between its customers, whether researchers or criminals. A year later, the company said the tool served as a replacement for its own iOS simulator, used by developers, and for the Security Research Device Program, which provides iPhones so researchers can find bugs and vulnerabilities in the system.

Also according to the court, Corellium took “only what was necessary” from iOS to make its virtualization tool work, and it does not affect the market share of iOS and its derivatives in any way. Apple, in turn, would still have an incentive “to continue innovating”.

With this decision, Corellium will be able to continue offering its tool to developers and researchers. Apple, in turn, will no longer be able to sue the security company for this, which sets the precedent for other developers to emulate iOS on other platforms without risk of a lawsuit.

Could this be the end of the novel? Let’s wait…

#Apple #loses #lawsuit #company #virtual #copy #iOS

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