Apple’s Fruit Copyright Controversy: Is It Justified? | The Wired Perspective

2023-06-19 10:23:26

We’ve seen Monster try to copyright the word “monster,” and now Apple is trying to copyright Apple. That’s right, not the image of a bitten apple, but the whole fruit and its imagery. For example, Apple approached the Suiss Fruit Union because the union had an image of an apple with the Swiss flag as its logo. Around the world, the tech giant has been chasing the fruit in corporate and institutional imagery, with some success. Apple is going after more than Apple, as in the past it has gone after a meal-prep app with a pear-shaped logo, a singer-songwriter named Frankie Pineapple, a German bike route, a pair of stationery makers and a School District. It is often assumed that small companies will be scared into compliance by giants such as Apple, so we will soon see a mass fruit exodus of other signs. What do you think of it? Should Apple be able to copyright Apple? Here’s an ad: Thanks, WIRED.
#Apple #copyright #Apple #Gamereactor

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