Are strong bones less likely to cause dementia? … foods that are good for your bones

Dutch research team “Bone health closely related to brain health”

Vitamin D, found in mackerel, herring, and salmon, is particularly important for bone health. However, it should not be forgotten that most of the vitamin D can be obtained through sunlight. When UV rays stimulate the skin, vitamin D is synthesized.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Research has shown that people with strong bones are less susceptible to dementia. According to a study by Erasmus University Medical School in the Netherlands, people with low bone density had a 42% higher risk of developing dementia than those with high bone density.

The research team looked at 3651 Dutch adults (average age 72 years) without dementia. In addition, X-rays were taken to measure their bone density, and physical examinations such as bone scans and dementia tests were conducted. The research team met with them once every four to five years to check their health. During an average follow-up of 11 years, approximately 19% (n = 688) of the participants developed dementia. 90 out of 1211 people in the lowest bone density group and 57 out of 1211 people in the highest bone density group were found to have dementia.

The researchers found that people with the lowest BMD were 42% more likely to develop dementia than those with the highest, even after adjusting for age, gender, education, disease and drug use, and family history of dementia.

Dr. Mohamed Arpan Ikram of the Erasmus University Medical Center, the first author of the study, said, “Low bone density and dementia are common in the elderly, and especially in dementia, the amount of bone loss increases due to lack of physical activity and nutrition.” Little is known about bone loss that occurs prior to dementia. The research team said further research is needed on the link between bone loss and memory loss. If bone loss is identified in the early stages of dementia, it can be used as an indicator of dementia risk.

A limitation of this study is that the participants were mainly from Europe, and most of them were over 70 years of age at the beginning of the study. Research results may differ depending on race, ethnicity, age, etc. The research team said, “It shows the association between low bone density and high risk of dementia, but does not prove a causal relationship.” The results of this study (Is Bone Health Linked to Brain Health?) were published online in Neurology, the journal of the American Neurochemical Society.

◇Four food groups that help increase density= Calcium and vitamin D are the most important for bone health. In addition, various vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are essential to keep bones healthy and strong. A healthy, balanced diet can be made up of foods from the major food groups. The main food groups are fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta and cereals, dairy products and alternative foods, and proteins such as beans, eggs, fish and meat. british orthopedic society ‘Three main ingredients that strengthen bones’introduced.

1. Calcium

Our body contains about 1 kg of calcium, of which about 99% is in the bones. Healthy people can get enough calcium from food alone. Calcium is abundant in dairy products such as milk and cheese, green leafy vegetables, almonds, sesame seeds, sardines, dried fruits, tofu, and breakfast cereals. In general, the amount of calcium an adult needs per day is about 700 mg. For osteoporosis patients, consuming about 1000 mg of calcium a day is of great help in treatment. Women who are breastfeeding need 1250 mg per day.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps in the intake and use of calcium, making bones strong. Increases bone strength and hardness. Vitamin D can be obtained through three sources: sunlight, food, and supplements. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. In particular, severe deficiency can lead to rickets and osteomalacia, a pathological weakness of bones. You can get a lot of vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight for at least 10 minutes at least once or twice a day. Vitamin D is synthesized when sunlight’s ultraviolet rays stimulate the skin. During short physical activities such as hanging out laundry, pulling weeds, or going to a convenience store, it is good to bask in the sunlight without applying sunscreen. On a cloudy day, when the fine dust is not bad, open the window or go outside for a while. If you need to expose your skin to the sun for more than 10 minutes, be sure to use sunscreen. In the hot sun, do not expose your skin to direct sunlight. Foods rich in vitamin D include oily fish such as herring, salmon, and mackerel, eggs, pork, yogurt, and mushrooms. However, it is important to note that it is not easy to get enough vitamin D from food.

3. Various vitamins, minerals and nutrients

In addition to calcium and vitamin D, various vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are needed to keep bones strong and healthy. A healthy person can get enough of these components through a balanced diet. People with liver problems and Crohn’s disease patients should consult with their doctor and nutritionist. Follow their advice and take appropriate action, such as adjusting your diet or taking supplements.

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