Are there safety concerns about the SBF lake boat license in Croatia? Sport boat license lake in Croatia sufficient?

2023-07-02 09:01:07

Here we would like to point out safety concerns that may exist in connection with the German Sportbootführerschein See (SBF See) in Croatia.

Gössendorf (OTS/ – In light of a number of tragic accidents in Croatian waters involving German tourists, we would like to draw attention to specific safety concerns that have arisen in connection with the German Sportbootführerschein See (SBF See) in Croatia can exist. We are concerned that the current requirements of the SBF See are not always sufficient to ensure the safety of German boaters in Croatian waters.

The SBF See is a boat license that allows German holders to drive boats. However, the SBF See does not include any specific training or exam to read Croatian nautical charts, knowledge of Croatian regulations or a VHF radio test. However, it is important to note that in the event of poor radio or cell phone reception, using the radio spelling alphabet can be helpful in conveying information clearly and avoiding misunderstandings.

This can lead to dangerous situations, especially when German skippers are confronted with the complex circumstances, such as the specific weather conditions such as the “Bura winds” and the heavily frequented Croatian waters.

We ask whether the recognition of the SBF See for navigating boats in Croatian waters is too liberal. Introducing additional requirements to ensure that German skippers have sufficient knowledge of Croatian waters, navigation and reading sea charts should be seriously considered. A supplementary examination or specific training could help to reduce the risk of accidents and hazardous situations.

It is important to note that there are free resources that can help German boaters get acquainted with Croatian waters. For example there is the free app “Nautical Info Service” (NIS) from the Croatian Ministry providing nautical information. In addition, the Seewetterbericht of the Seewetterzentrum Split available of on Deutsch is available.

It is also the responsibility of German boaters and foreign boaters to familiarize themselves with local regulations before traveling to Croatia and, if necessary, to voluntarily undertake additional training or exams to ensure their safety and the safety of other water users.

Safety on the water is of paramount importance and it is in all of our interests to take steps to make boating in Croatia safer. We hope that our safety concerns will be taken seriously and lead to concrete actions to improve the safety and protection of German boaters and foreign boaters in Croatian waters.

Questions & contact:

Martin Fuchshofer
AC Nautical eU

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