Armed with a plastic Nintendo pistol, he allegedly robbed a store

2023-06-05 14:02:36

A 25-year-old man is accused of having pointed this Tuesday a grocery store in Sharon, South Carolina (UNITED STATES) using an old Nintendo gun. The dummy weapon was actually an NES Zapper, one of the accessories sold by the Japanese brand in the 1980s, reports CNN. The individual also equipped with a wig, a hood and a mask would have threatened the cashier of the store with his toy.

A booty of a few hundred dollars

He would have demanded that the latter give him 300 dollars, or about 280 euros. The employee would have obeyed so as not to put himself in danger. For more realism, the thief had taken care to paint his dummy handgun black. The grocery store employee alerted the police after the departure of the suspect, who was arrested in a parking lot. He was in possession of gun in plastic.

The man was taken into custody and his weapon confiscated for use as evidence. The NES Zapper is a dummy weapon created by Nintendo to accompany the release of the clay pigeon shooting game Duck Hunt in 1984. This gray and orange accessory arrived in the United States in 1985 and then in 1987 in the launch pack for the NES ( Nintendo Entertainment System).

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