Arrested for abusing and impregnating his daughter with autism

The abuse lasted several months until the girl began to have health problems and the mother took her to the doctor. After several tests, they determined that she was pregnant.

A 45-year-old man was arrested by officials of the Coordination of Investigations of Crimes Against People El Llanito, for sexually abusing his daughter, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

According to the investigations, for several months he was sexually abusing his daughter, using his condition.

The abuse continued, causing her to become pregnant. The victim’s mother, realizing that her daughter had health problems, took her to a medical center, where when she was evaluated, they realized that she was pregnant and had signs of sexual abuse. investigations and it was found that his father was the perpetrator.

The person responsible was arrested in the San José parish, Libertador municipality, Caracas.

The case was placed under the order of the 26th Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Ministry.

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