Artificial intelligence can detect “abnormal phenomena” in space

Posted in: 09/08/2022 – 13:01

An artificial intelligent system has discovered a number of “unnatural phenomena” in space that could help us better understand the universe.

The researchers hope that the system can be used to discover more space “aberrations” and help direct research into new supernovae and other extremes and faraways in space.

The new AI system is set up to help scientists study the vast amount of data that comes every day from outer space, and choose between them to select the most scientifically interesting data.

In recent decades, the huge amount of data has been an obstacle for astronomers, as the development of means of space observation has led to the arrival of huge information every day. This means that there are billions of potentially interesting things waiting to be discovered by scientists.

In order to test the new system, the scientists gave the AI ​​a set of images to search for unusual things, such as supernovae and tidal disturbance events, which are very rare and interesting, and deserve further study.

It should be noted that the images provided for the new system had previously been studied by scientists. However, artificial intelligence has identified 11 additional strange phenomena that scientists have not been able to detect.

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