Artificial intelligence: zero points!

Pomme d’avis is the section in which MacGeneration’s editorial staff shares its point of view on computer news. While even washing machines have their dose of artificial intelligence for several years, Jean-Baptiste has been skeptical, to say the least, about the real progress of these “intelligences” that live in computers.

To begin this article in the form of a mood post, I wanted to document a little about the history of artificial intelligence. I wanted to start with a catchphrase like “Fifty years, we’ve been drunk on artificial intelligence for fifty years”. And then I said to myself “why fifty rather than sixty or thirty, huh, first of all? »

And that’s where I came across a document which is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this summer, le Lighthill Reporta university report that sent back to their labs all the researchers who – already at the time – bet on the ability of computers to imitate the functioning of our brain, its neurons, even its psychology.

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