As expected of Huawei’s second princess, the new drama is seamlessly connected, with Zhang Songwen and Xin Zhilei taking turns as partners | Literature City

2024-03-03 18:24:32

You are here: Literature City » News » Entertainment News » She is indeed the second princess of Huawei, the new drama is seamlessly connected, Zhang Songwen and Xin Zhilei take turns to partner

She is worthy of being the second princess of Huawei. The new drama is seamlessly connected, with Zhang Songwen and Xin Zhilei taking turns as partners.

Article source: Li Honghuo on 2024-03-03 10:24:32 – The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

On March 2, 2024, the new drama “Benevolent Heart Club” starring the well-known mainland actress Xin Zhilei and the actor Bai Ke was scheduled to be released.

When many netizens saw Yao Anna as the second female lead in the launch Weibo of “Benevolence Club”, this “Huawei Little Princess” was once again on the hot search list.
If you want to ask what happened in the middle, we have to start with Yao Anna’s performance in “Hunting Ice”.

On February 21, 2024, the crime suspense drama “Ice Hunt” starring Zhang Songwen was broadcast.
Previously, Zhang Songwen quickly became popular in the entertainment industry with his role as Gao Qiqiang in “The Furious”. Just when people were curious about the actress who could partner with “Big Brother”, they were in the leading role of the female lead. Yao Anna’s name was found at the location!

As the youngest daughter of national entrepreneur Ren Zhengfei, Yao Anna seems to have been unpopular since the day she entered the entertainment industry – her looks are not good enough, her singing and dancing are stiff, and she has no sense of variety shows… She is used to seeing those who have been trained for many years. An actress who has struggled through ups and downs, Anna Yao seems to have not yet reached the “debut” standard.

Therefore, when people discovered that Yao Anna, who has such a professional level, could actually star in a starring role with the powerful actor Zhang Songwen, their inner curiosity reached its peak.
As a result, the ratings of “Hunting Ice” soared, and Anna Yao also received more attacks and criticisms.
“Why did she have the same expression almost the whole time?”
“Do you have to touch your belly all the time to play a pregnant woman?”
“I haven’t seen her cry even after her teammates died. You have to be dedicated when you bring people into the team!”

Since the day she debuted, she seems to have been bound to “capital” by default. In addition, Yao Anna’s current business level is indeed limited, which makes her the target of everyone’s “group attack”.

Of course, not everyone keeps saying bad things about Yao Anna, and some netizens have different views.
“I think it’s quite true that people who are so rich don’t spend money to control reviews and buy drafts.”
“There are so many actors with stiff acting skills, but I haven’t seen any of them get scolded so harshly.”
Regarding the latter view, some people retorted: “But a newly debuted actor with blunt acting skills will not have such good resources as her!”

This is true. Anna Yao has collaborated with various well-known seniors since she debuted, which is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary actors.
Just ten days after “Hunting Ice” was aired, Anna Yao began to appear in “Benevolence Club”. The speed of “seamless connection” of this new drama is something that few people in the entire entertainment industry can achieve.
The female lead in “Benevolent Heart Club” is “Li Li” Xin Zhilei, who was praised in “Flowers”, and the male lead is Bai Ke, who is a voice actor and partnered with Dapeng in “The Annual Party Can’t Stop”.

These two actors, like Zhang Songwen, are well-known actors with many years of acting experience and have polished their acting skills through their works. Anna Yao not only takes turns to act with them, but also stars in one film and one as a second female lead. It is true that “the debut is the peak. The peak seems to continue.”
However, is Yao Anna’s ability to obtain such good resources really related to the “bringing capital into the group” that everyone has speculated? This is not a final conclusion.

Just like many netizens, in the face of overwhelming negative comments, Yao Anna has not used any “power of capital” so far. Instead, she issued a statement saying that she will continue to work hard.
In this era of “traffic is king”, Yao Anna, who has Huawei’s aura, is simply a living “traffic pool”. “Hunting Ice” is just an online drama. Zhang Songwen was not yet famous when he appeared in it. Maybe Gao Qunshu The director chose Anna Yao because of her traffic, but he didn’t expect that Zhang Songwen would become even more popular later.

Facts have proved that Anna Yao has indeed contributed a lot of popularity to this drama, and others may not have the same effect.
The reason why people hate capital “bringing money into the group” is because many such people do not respect the status of actors and do whatever they want with money. But Anna Yao is not actually like this. She is even humbly reflecting on herself.
I hope Yao Anna can continue to polish herself on the road to being an actress, and can win the recognition of the audience with her acting skills in the future!


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