At home: Despite what he claimed, there is no proof that President Tamás Sulyok is a distant relative of smallholder politician Dezső Sulyok

At home: Despite what he claimed, nothing proves that President Tamás Sulyok is a distant relative of smallholder politician Dezső Sulyok |

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March 2024. 22. 09:06 March 2024. 22. 09:26 At home

The head of state talked about the family relationship in a previous interview, but according to the available data, this is also not correct.

In 2018, President Tamás Sulyok told the Arsboni legal magazine that Dezső Sulyok, the former leader of the Independent Small Farmers’ Party, was a distant relative on his father’s side.

“His intellectual legacy, his unconditional support for democracy, is decisive for me to this day,” said the head of state, then still the president of the Constitutional Court.

However, there seems to be no evidence of this, and that’s what he came up with a People’s word also with the help of historian László Karsai, who previously denied the previous statement given to HVG360 about the president’s father. And that is the Snowshoes based on his research, it was revealed that Tamás Sulyok’s father applied for an apartment and “Jewish furniture” taken from Jews to the National Socialist Party in 1944.

The president’s father and the people’s court: Tamás Sulyok either knows badly or is lying

Dr. Székesfehérvár There was a lawyer named László Sulyok before 1945, and an investigation was launched against a lawyer with that name for his article glorifying the German occupation and mobilizing for the Hungarian National Socialist movement after the war. The father of the new head of state of Hungary, Tamás Sulyok, dr. His name was László Sulyok, who was a Fehérvár lawyer and was in hiding after 1945.

A People’s word reminded that Tamás Sulyok has not yet detailed exactly what kind of “distant family relationship” he has with Dezső Sulyok, a significant figure in the political life between the two world wars, the statement is at the same time on his Wikipedia page, and the government press has repeatedly presented it as fact.

The paper was first told by a historian reader that, based on publicly available contemporary documents, Tamás Sulyok’s grandfather could not have been Dezső Sulyok’s brother, there are no publicly available documents that prove that there was a connection between the two Sulyok families other than identity. That is why they asked the historian László Karsai for help, who examined the data with an expert in family tree research. They came to a similar conclusion based on the following:

  • Even the birth dates seem to disprove the fact that Dezső Sulyok and the head of state’s grandfather were brothers. According to the registry data, Dezső Sulyok was born in 1897 in Simaházapustán, Veszprém county. The head of state’s grandfather, János Sulyok, was born in Halimba in 1871. In other words, there was a 26-year age difference between them.
  • The parents’ names are not correct either, Dezső Sulyok’s father was a mill tenant Antal Sulyok, and his mother was Izabella Szigeti. According to public documents, the father of the head of state’s grandfather is unknown, he was born out of wedlock together with his siblings, his mother was Katalin Sulyok. In other words, their mother is not the same.
  • They could be half-siblings if they both had the same father. However, according to contemporary documents, Dezső Sulyok’s father, Antal Sulyok, was 13 years old when the head of state’s grandfather was born.
  • Since the father of the head of state’s grandfather is not known according to the available documents, they presumably received the family name of their mother, Katalin Sulyok, which is how their last name became Sulyok.

The paper also contacted the Sándor Palace, based on which the president claimed that he was related to Dezső Sulyok, but they did not respond to their questions.







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