Atopic skin: symptoms, cause, treatment

Very dry, irritated and itchy skin can be a sign of a chronic inflammation called atopic dermatitis. What are the symptoms and how to treat it?

Definition: what is called atopic skin?

“Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin manifested by acute flare-ups of eczema against a background of dry skin“, explains doctor Marie Jourdan, dermatologist. It is a mild and non-contagious disease which evolves by outbreaks of eczema, “She is currently touching 3.6% of the French population. Babies and children are more affected by the disease which can persist into adulthood.

What are the causes of atopic skin?

The cells of the skin act as a barrier, they protect against dehydration and the penetration of micro-organisms or allergens from the environment. “In case of atopy, this cutaneous barrier presents an anomaly, fragility, particularly in connection with a mutation coding for a helpful barrier protein called filaggrin“, reports the dermatologist. Affected patients have a favorable genetic background. Previous studies have shown that if one parent has atopic skin, there is 30% chance that a child will have the same skin feature. If both parents are affected by the disease, the probability is 70%.

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by eczema flare-ups, “sometimes acute and sometimes minimal, it is important to know how to recognize them“, says Marie Jourdan. “Eczema is manifested by red and dry patches with irregular edges associated with severe itching. These plates can be surmounted by vesicles filled with clear fluid. They can also become superinfected and then present a crusty yellow or even purulent appearance.. Apart from crises, the skin remains dry and prone to itching.

Woman with atopic dermatitis © irinafotolita-123RF

When and who to consult in case of atopic skin?

Atopic dermatitis is the responsibility of the dermatologistexplains the doctor, although of course first aid and advice can be given by the family doctor or the pediatrician”. By referring to a dermatologist, the patient can be followed, “it is a chronic pathology that requires a long-term follow-up and therapeutic education“, specifies Marie Jourdan.

What treatment to treat atopic skin?

The treatment of atopic dermatitis is carried out in two stages. First, treat the ongoing eczema flare-up with corticosteroid creamstaking care to treat the bacterial superinfection, which will have to be coupled with antibiotic creams“. The dermatologist clarifies that “the use of corticosteroids must be strong and drastic to break the inflammation effectively then the application is spaced out until it gradually stops“. In a second time, “it’s necessary educate the patient about this skin fragility. The healthcare professional can thus advise shower oils or very mild soap as well as the daily use of effective moisturizing balms. “In the event of serious forms inducing permanent inflammatory crises, there are more general treatments such as biotherapies“, explains the doctor.

Thanks to Dr Marie Jourdan, dermatologist in Paris.

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