‘Attention will be focused on Kim Min-jae’… Preliminary starter for Napoli season opening match

[마이데일리 = 김종국 기자] Napoli’s Kim Min-jae is about to start Serie A.

Napoli will play the Serie A first round away match of the 2022-23 season against Verona on the morning of the 16th (Korean time). Since joining the team with the transfer to Naples last month, Kim Min-jae has been a key player in three consecutive pre-season matches. Kim Min-jae is predicted to be highly likely to start against Verona.

Italian media Sky Sports predicted that Kim Min-jae would start as Napoli’s opening match list for the season on the 13th. The media predicted that Kim Min-jae would start as a center-back duo along with Rahmani. Kim Min-jae is expected to replace Coulibaly (Senegal), who transferred to Chelsea (England). Among the players Napoli signed ahead of the 2022-23 season, only Kim Min-jae and Kvarat Skellia are evaluated to start the match against Verona.

Sky Sports predicted that Napoli’s expected starting list for Verona will be Osimen (Nigeria) as the front-line striker, and Rosano (Mexico) and Kvaratskelia (Georgia) will lead the flank attack. In addition, Zielinski (Poland), Loboka (Slovakia), and Anguisa (Cameroon) will form the midfield, and the defense will be built by Minjae Kim, Rahmani (Kosovo), Rui (Portugal), and Di Lorenzo (Italy) to build the back. predicted. As for the goalkeeper, it is likely that Merret (Italy) will appear.

Kim Min-jae showed stable performances during the pre-season and earned the trust of his teammates. Napoli’s captain Di Lorenzo said on the 11th that “Kim Min-jae is a tough and decent player. He gets along well with the team. He’s not a player who has attracted much attention, but he will be recognized on the field.”

Italian media La Republique also mentioned high interest in Kim Min-jae ahead of his Naples debut, saying, “All attention will be focused on Kim Min-jae and Kvaratskelia in the Naples season opening game” on the 13th.

Napoli finished third in Serie A last season, but key players such as Coulibaly and Mertens (Belgium) left the team ahead of this season. As Napoli is being evaluated as having a power vacancy during the airlift ahead of this season, expectations for Kim Min-jae are rising.

[사진 = 스카이스포츠]

By Kim Jong-guk, staff reporter [email protected]

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