Avgenakis will soon be in Patras – 2024-05-12 07:18:24

Undertaken ministerial (in Athens) and party (in Northern Greece) obligations currently keep him away from Achaia and Western Greece Lefteri Avgenakisalthough he has been appointed by the ND electoral “regional governor” of our region in view of the European elections on June 9.

Lefteris Avgenakis is one of the 12 ministers who have received “roadmaps” from Piraeus in order to tour the respective electoral regions of the country.

It should be noted that the appointment of the Minister of Rural Development to supervise in Western Greece was at his requestbecause he maintains many friendly ties with ND executives in Patras and Western Greece, so he will be able to cooperate with them more easily, so that the best possible result for the ruling party in our region will come.

In the end, the Mr. Avgenakis’ first visit to Patras is scheduled to take place next weekon a day that will be announced very shortly, while then the trips of the Minister of Rural Development to all the cities of Western Greece will increase until the day of the elections.

Meanwhile, his choice is also considered remarkable Maki Voridis for the Peloponnese and not Macedonia, as the impression was initially formed. The right-wing origins of Voridis come to “lock” with the traditional power of the SW in prefectures such as Messinia, Laconia and Argolis. The ND pays particular attention to Messinia, which is, as is well known, the former prime minister’s hometown Antonis Samaras.


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