Patras – Refugee Resettlement: Dust and heat on the downside of the works – 2024-07-25 13:47:39

The complaints that reach the “Peloponnisos” from the residents of the Refuge, who see the reconstruction work changing their neighborhood, but find the slow progress of the work “keeps” the area in a construction site state, are strong. A natural consequence is that the residents face the intense dust every day and do not dare … Read more

In Patras the dance group “International Folkdance Association of Taiwan” – 2024-07-24 10:46:00

The twenty-member delegation of the dance group from Taiwan “International Folkdance Association of Taiwan” led by Vincent Hsu, TaiPei university professor and teacher of the group, was hosted in Patras by the Dance Department of the Municipality. The Taiwanese group, which is a lover of Greek culture and dances Greek dances, is making a fortnight … Read more

AADE crews arrived in Patras: Barrage of checks on weddings and baptisms – 2024-07-23 17:01:56

AADE’s extensive cross-checking and fact-checking of the featured couple’s wedding last week, revealing the extent of the shadow economy behind social ceremonies and events, was a harbinger of what was to come. As it became known, multi-member crews of AADE poured into large urban centers of the country and carried out extensive checks, from early … Read more

Patras: “Stop” of residents in the Municipality for the pumping station in Romantza, injunctions were filed – 2024-07-23 07:23:57

An application for injunctive measures against the Municipality of Patras and DEYAP was filed at the Court of First Instance of Patras by residents of the Exo Agyia area requesting the immediate stoppage of the construction of the sewage pumping station in an area that has been purchased, has been designated and has been used … Read more

Greece the bronze in the European with a contribution from Patras! – 2024-07-21 22:47:00

Although for most of the game the National Team was trailing us in the score, with a reversal in the last 5 minutes they defeated Belgium in Poland 70-68 in the short final of the European Youth Men’s Basketball Championship and celebrated winning the bronze medal. Vangelis Zougris was at it once more, posting another … Read more

“Racing” with Tesla in the city of Patras: What the passengers of the electric taxi say – 2024-07-21 18:40:54

As he explained to “Peloponnisos” the president of the Association of Taxi Owners Giorgos Siderismost professional motorists still have reservations mainly regarding the autonomy of the vehicles, despite the fact that the subsidy is particularly generous. However, George Alexopoulos, a young professional motorist originally from Fostaina of Achaia, he has no doubts. He continues the … Read more