avoid these 7 constipating foods to regain normal transit

Constipation is an unpleasant and relatively common condition. If you suffer from constipation, you can improve your transit by making a few simple changes to your diet. Start by avoiding or reducing your intake of constipating foods, such as those listed below.

Here are 7 common foods that can cause constipation.

  1. The alcohol

Alcohol is frequently mentioned as a probable cause of constipation. Indeed, if you drink alcohol in large quantities, it can increase the amount of fluid lost through urine, which leads to dehydration. Poor hydration, either due to insufficient water intake or excessive fluid loss through urine, is often linked to an increased risk of constipation

Unfortunately, no studies could be found on the direct link between alcohol consumption and constipation. Also, some people report having diarrhea, rather than constipation, after an evening of drinking. The effects may vary from person to person. People who wish to counteract the potentially dehydrating and constipating effects of alcohol should try to offset each serving of alcohol with a glass of water or another non-alcoholic beverage.

  1. Foods containing gluten

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, spelled and kamut. Some people may experience constipation when eating foods containing gluten. Also, some people are gluten intolerant. This is called gluten intolerance or celiac disease. When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, their immune system attacks their gut, causing severe damage. This is why people with this disease should follow a gluten-free diet. In most countries, it is estimated that 0.5 to 1% of people have celiac disease, but many of them do not know it. Chronic constipation is one of the most common symptoms. Avoiding gluten can help soothe and heal the gut.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are two other cases in which a person’s gut can react to wheat. People with these conditions are not gluten intolerant but seem to be sensitive to wheat and other grains. If you suspect gluten is the cause of your constipation, be sure to consult your healthcare professional to rule out celiac disease before removing gluten from your diet.

  1. Processed cereals

Processed grains and their products, such as white bread, white rice, and white pasta, are lower in fiber and can be more constipating than whole grains. Indeed, the bran and germinative parts of cereals are eliminated during processing. In particular, bran contains fiber, a nutrient that adds bulk to stools and helps them move.

Many studies have linked higher fiber intake to a lower risk of constipation, so people with constipation may benefit from gradually reducing their intake of processed grains and replacing them with cereals. complete.

Although a fiber supplement is beneficial for most people, some people experience the opposite effect. For them, the extra fiber may make constipation worse, rather than relieving it. If you’re constipated and you already eat a lot of fiber-rich whole grains, adding fiber to your diet is unlikely to help. In some cases, it can even make the problem worse. If this is the case for you, try gradually reducing your daily fiber intake to see if that gives you some relief.

  1. Milk and dairy products

Dairy products seem to be another common cause of constipation, at least for some people. Infants, toddlers and children appear to be particularly at risk, possibly due to sensitivity to proteins found in cow’s milk. A review of studies conducted over a 26-year period found that some children with chronic constipation experienced improvements when they stopped consuming cow’s milk.

In a recent study, children aged 1 to 12 with chronic constipation drank cow’s milk for a period of time. Cow’s milk was later replaced with soy milk for a later period. Nine of the 13 children in the study experienced relief from their constipation when cow’s milk was replaced with soy milk. There are many anecdotal reports of similar experiences in adults. However, little scientific evidence could be found, as most studies examining these effects have focused on children, not older populations. It should be noted that people with lactose intolerance may experience diarrhea, rather than constipation, after consuming dairy products.

  1. Red meat

Red meat can make constipation worse for three main reasons. First, it is low in fiber, which adds bulk to stools and helps them move. Second, red meat may also indirectly reduce a person’s total daily fiber intake by displacing higher fiber options in the diet. This is especially true if you fill up on meat during a meal, which reduces the amount of fiber-rich vegetables, legumes, and whole grains you can eat at one time. This scenario would lead to an overall decrease in daily fiber intake, which could increase the risk of constipation. Also, unlike other types of meat, such as poultry and fish, red meat generally contains higher amounts of fat, and high-fat foods take longer to be digested by the body. In some cases, this can increase the likelihood of constipation even more. People with constipation may benefit from replacing red meat in their diet with alternatives high in protein and fiber like beans, lentils and peas.

  1. Fried foods or fast meals

Eating large or frequent portions of fried foods or fast meals can also increase the risk of constipation.

This is because these foods tend to be high in fat and low in fiber, a combination that can slow digestion like red meat does. Fast food snacks like crisps, cookies, chocolate and ice cream can also replace higher fiber snacks like fruits and vegetables in a person’s diet.

This may further increase the risk of constipation by reducing the total amount of fiber consumed per day. Interestingly, many people believe that chocolate is one of the main causes of their constipation. Also, fried foods and fast meals tend to contain high amounts of salt, which can reduce the water content of the stool, drying it out and making it harder to pass through the body. This happens when you eat too much salt because your body sucks water from your intestines to help compensate for the extra salt in your blood.

This is one of the ways your body uses to bring its salt concentration back to normal, but unfortunately it can lead to constipation.

  1. Les khakis

Persimmons are a popular fruit from Asia that can be constipating for some. There are several varieties, but most can be classified as mild or astringent. In particular, persimmons contain a high amount of tannins, a compound believed to reduce secretions and intestinal contractions, slowing bowel movements. This is why people with constipation should avoid consuming too many persimmons, especially the astringent varieties.

If you are still having difficulty after reducing your intake of constipating foods, consult your doctor or naturopath.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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