“Babylon.js 6.0: The Open Source 3D Library with Havok Physics and Improved Performance”

2023-04-25 00:33:15

Babylon.js, an open source 3D drawing framework developed by Microsoft, launched version 6.0the new version adds many new features, including powerful Havok physics calculations, and allows developers to choose performance priority mode to develop smoother web 3D applications. In addition, in terms of special effects, it also provides more realistic light and shadow special effects and fluid rendering.

Babylon.js is a powerful JavaScript library for developers to create and render 3D graphics on the web platform. Since Babylon.js applies WebGL technology, developers can create 3D graphics efficiently without additional installation packages. Games and apps. Babylon.js provides many built-in functions, including materials, textures, lights and cameras. In addition, Babylon.js also supports virtual reality and augmented reality, providing another development option for immersive experiences.

In Babylon.js 6.0, the official team cooperated with the Havok team to add new physics implementations to the library, enabling Babylon.js to have many advanced physics calculation functions. Havok was established in 1998. The physics engine it developed has been used in many large-scale games, and it is currently the most widely used physics engine in 3A games.

Havok provides many advanced physics computing functions in Babylon.js 6.0 for free. These functions are integrated with Babylon.js physics API through a special WebAssembly extension package. This cooperation not only enables developers to use more new physics functions, but also increases the speed of physics calculations by up to 20 times. Microsoft also took the opportunity to renovate the physics API, which not only makes the API easier to use, but also gives developers stronger functions and more control functions, and lowers the barriers to adding physics simulation calculations to web applications.

In addition to strengthening the functions of Babylon.js, the development team is also working hard on performance. In version 6.0, a performance priority mode has been added, and the rendering speed and computing performance have been increased by 50 times. The performance priority mode can choose different levels of performance enhancement, including backward compatibility mode, intermediate mode and aggressive mode. Developers can choose the appropriate performance acceleration level according to their needs.

The graphics API used by Babylon.js is WebGL, but as the more advanced WebGPU gradually matures, including Chrome also began to provide complete support, the Babylon.js development team participated in the WebGPU working group, fromBabylon.js 5.0It fully supports WebGPU, which means that Babylon.js will provide an abstraction layer to handle WebGL and WebGPU, so developers can obtain faster graphics processing performance without additionally learning new graphics APIs. At present, developers can try WebGPU,The official also mentionedthey will still support both WebGL and WebGPU in the foreseeable future.

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