Back to school: from kindergarten to high school, how to support your child? – Featured

2023-08-31 15:07:15

August 31, 2023

Some stages of schooling are more impressive than others. The very first start of the school year or those involving a change of establishment are among the most stressful. So how do you help your child overcome their fears?

Back to kindergarten: do not dramatize

To help your child better approach his return to school, show him his school a few days before, for example during a walk. Show him the buildings, if possible the playground… Whenever you can, do not hesitate to value the school and his new status as a student.

In his book Elever son enfant, child psychiatrist Marcel Ruffo explains that theD-day is in fact “often more apprehended by parents than by children ». So for your child to experience the start of the new school year in the best possible conditions, do your best not to seem anxious. Don’t prolong goodbyes. If you take too long to leave, he’ll worry and wonder where that place is where you find it so hard to leave him.

If your child has a cuddly toy, reassure him, it can accompany him to school. Most of the time it will have to remain wisely stored in the bag or in a piece of furniture provided for this purpose, but at nap time, it will be able to find it.

Finally, after picking him up at the end of the day, don’t overwhelm him with questions. Young children need time to make the transition from school to home.

Reading, arithmetic… CP, a key year

Your child is no longer a “little one” from kindergarten. He enters CP. Which, for him, can be a source of excitement but also of stress. As soon as the holidays are over, you can enhance him by explaining all the new things that await him, starting with reading. And explain to him that he is getting big. He becomes autonomous and will be responsible for his supplies. If it hasn’t already been done, have them participate in the choice of school bag, pencils…

When the evening comes, do not hesitate to discuss all that he was able to learn by valuing his efforts. Finally, continue the stories before going to sleep. It is not because he is in first grade that you should forget this privileged moment which reassures him.

College: in the big leagues

Another symbolic comeback, that of college. His status changes. Your child was the “big boy” of primary school. In sixth grade, he becomes a “little one” again. His landmarks will be upset, for example in terms of transport or homework. Your role is already to put it in good conditions, in particular in terms of sleep. Make sure he goes to bed early the days before the start of the school year, so that he resynchronizes smoothly. Then answer all his questions. There is a mountain of transport, by bus or coach? Why not take advantage of the last days of vacation to take a trip with him?

If he experiences certain fears such as getting lost in this new establishment or not finding his class, explain to him that he will not be alone. Beyond the classmates, the teaching team is also there to help him get his bearings, at least until the All Saints holidays.

The first few days, help him with the organization, what he should bring home or leave in his locker. Also take a look at his diary and his homework. He will have to learn to manage them, to anticipate them.

Back to second: managing changes of rhythm

It is possible that your teenager oscillates between several feelings: the sadness or the nostalgia of the friends of the college who did not follow him in the same high school; and the fear of a new rhythm, new materials, a future direction… Again, reassure him. He will still be able to see his friends outside of high school. In terms of work management, your child can easily be overwhelmed. Even before the start of the school year, take the time to make him aware of the fact that personal work will be much more important than in college. But don’t smother it. If you listen to him, he will quickly find his feet.

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