Baggage of the President – ​​Madagascar Airlines files a complaint against X

A leak of information. The company Madagascar Airlines provides explanations during a press briefing in Ankorondrano, yesterday. The company’s lawyer breaks the silence. This leaked document will not go unpunished.

Master Rakotobe said the company is taking matters into its own hands. Madagascar Airlines has filed a complaint against X, following the publication and sharing of a photo without authorization, and infringing the privacy of the President of the Republic.

In this situation, there are several violations of the law: taking photos in prohibited places, disclosing confidential information, invasion of a person’s privacy. But especially the fact of insulting an institution, the President of the Republic.

The authorities will open the investigation to determine the culprit. An internal member of the company or another person will be found guilty, whether this person participated in this act directly or indirectly. That’s all company spokespeople can say at this time.

Due to the secrecy of the investigation, nothing should be revealed before the end of the investigation. According to the version of Patrick Ratovoson, company security manager, it is quite possible that the culprit or culprits do not work for Madagascar Airlines. The company just limits itself to filing the complaint.

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