Bancha reveals after an underwater volcano erupts Create the highest record lightning phenomenon.

Bancha reveals after an underwater volcano erupts Create the highest record lightning phenomenon ready to open cause

On January 18, 2022, Dr. Bancha Thanaboonsombat, Director of Technology Dissemination Department, MTEC posted a message on the facebook page cloud lovers club about the subject “The Hunga Tonga submersible volcano erupted, causing a large number of lightning strikes and a meteotsunami,” detailing that.

The Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai submarine volcanic eruption started on Friday, January 14, 2022, setting a new record for the number of lightnings (called volcanic lightning).

It also causes a phenomenon that is rarely heard of, namely the meteotsunami.

1.Volcanic lightning
Saturday, January 15, 2022, a large number of lightning flashes occurred. Especially between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., a total of about 200,000 hits in an hour – a record for lightning caused by a volcanic eruption. See image above. [1]

In the picture, abbreviations and words refer to
CG- : Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lighting (negatively charged cloud-to-ground lightning)
CG+ : Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lighting (positively charged cloud-to-ground lightning)
IC : Intracloud Lightning (Lightning in the Clouds)
Total : The total number of CG-,CG+ and IC each hour.
Cumulative : Cumulative total.

Usually, volcanic eruptions can cause lightning. Due to the dust and ash particles in the smoke generated friction among themselves. or satire with the ice particles in the clouds that are quite high Friction causes static electricity.

In academic terms, the phenomenon of static electricity generated by friction is called triboelectricity (Triboelectric City)

Lightning caused by volcanic eruptions is one factor in ash-rich volcanoes, and these types of lightnings sometimes occur before the volcano’s full eruption. So volcanologists can use it as an indicator of what might happen after it.

The lightning caused by the Hunga Tonga Volcano was detected by the Global Lightning Detection Network (often abbreviated GlD360), which detects radio waves generated by the lightning.

During the active volcano’s onset in December 2021, the GLD360 network detects hundreds or possibly thousands of lightnings a day. (which is the expected normal value)

But as the eruption neared its peak and reached its maximum on Saturday, January 15, lightning was detected at tens of thousands of times and reached a peak of 200,000 in the aforementioned day.

Lightning image (bottom left corner) from [2]
2 ) Meteotsunami

Another new issue is Shockwaves from the expansion of air produced by underwater volcanic eruptions. Has contributed to pushing water masses out quickly, known as Meteotsunami (Meteotsunami) is another tsunami that occurs as a supplement to a normal tsunami.

A typical tsunami is when an eruption of a volcano causes the volcano to collapse. As a result, a large mass of water quickly displaced and rippled around.

It’s also worth knowing that Meteotsunami is derived from the word meteor (meteorology is a term for phenomena occurring in the atmosphere, and meteorology is meteorology). [3] + tsunami (tsunami)
Meteotsunami signals were detected in Caribbean Sea islands such as Puerto Rico, located in the Atlantic Ocean. (Different ocean where the volcano erupted!) [1,4]

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