Bancomat, here is the little-known trick of key 9 at the ATM!

Bancomat: Throughout our lives, we are often forced to open a current account for various reasons and request a prepaid card to deposit our pension or salary.

This allows us to obtain an IBAN and a card number, allowing us to deposit or use our money electronically, as well as taking advantage of e-commerce sites to buy or sell whatever we want.

Bancomat: here is the trick of the key number 9

Although merchants are now required to accept credit card payments, some citizens still prefer to use cash, for various personal and other reasons. However, we must be very careful when withdrawing money from an ATM, especially if it is located outside the bank or institution where we have our account.

There have been cases of theft near these ATMs, especially for the elderly. The biggest scam recently is the coin-on-the-ground technique, where two passers-by approach claiming to have lost money. While one attacker tosses a coin to the ground to distract the victim, the other quietly replaces the victim’s card and uses it to the maximum of the money limit.

However, thanks to a new trick and a new feature introduced by Poste Italiane, these scammers will now have a harder time. The cardless mode is now available in 7,000 points and will be extended to all ATMs in Italy, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises.

The novelty introduced by Poste Italiane

Bancomat: This new method allows you to withdraw money without needing a bank card, simply by using your mobile phone. To do this, simply log into the BancoPosta or PosteID app, then go to an ATM and select the cashless withdrawal method. Then, just type the number 9 key, frame the QRCode that will appear, and access your account. All that remains is to choose the bank card on which you wish to withdraw the sum of money, which will be displayed on the screen, and to proceed as for inserting the card.

This method is similar to accessing sites such as INPS, Revenue Agency, or the Io app, which involve entering SPID credentials and scanning a QRCode to continue browsing. on the site.

This trick will save you time, and even the most distracted people who tend to leave their card at home can take advantage of this service and go to the ATM to withdraw money. After Poste Italiane, this method could also be tested by other banking companies, allowing not only to give the possibility of not using the card, but also to avoid the risk of theft during withdrawal.

In addition, Poste Italiane offers its users the possibility of checking all the movements of their account statement online, by logging into its site and downloading useful applications for various functions on their mobile phone, including the “Skip tail “.

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