Banks do not ask for money to grant a loan

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The AMB indicated that it does not contact users to process or release credits on behalf of other institutions. Photo: Getty/Illustrative

The Association of Banks of Mexico (AMB) issue one fraud alert where he specified that neither the association nor the banks ask you for money to grant you a loan. Neither for procedure, guarantees, insurance or sections.

Through its Twitter account, the AMB reiterated that it does not contact users by any means to process, manage, grant or release credits on behalf of other institutions. “If they do, watch out, it’s a fraud!”.

Likewise, he pointed out that before acquiring any credit, the user must make sure that the institution that is offering the loan is authorized by the Financial Services Providers Registration System (Sipres).

Do not get carried away by the speed in an express credit

In the case of express credits, called on the population not to get carried away by the “supposed speed” with which some companies grant credit; Likewise, they should never provide personal information or make payments, if they do not identify the financial institution; It is also important to compare all possible credit options.

Alert for express loans without requirements

In this regard, the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) has also issued an alert regarding credit management companies that are offering express loans if requirements, such as verifying income or consulting the applicant’s Credit Bureau.

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According to the federal agency, these types of companies operate as managers before various financial or commercial entities and offer loans to the population ranging from two thousand pesos and up to five million pesos, through advertisements in newspapersvolanteo, telephoneon Internet pages, or also through social networks.

Once people request the creditthese companies previously ask for a deposit of approximately six percent of the total loan for management and administrative expenses, bonds or insurance.


Subsequently, the company claims that the credit It is in process of authorization, without reaching its final delivery, keeping the advance. Many even disappear or change their names, so you can’t locate them.

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