Be careful not to reuse these tools to avoid getting hepatitis B infection.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)– The Saudi Ministry of Health has clarified, on its website, that hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver, and can cause acute or chronic disease.

The virus can be transmitted through contact with the blood or other bodily fluids of an infected person.

The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, through its official account on the “Instagram” website, warned against reusing the following:

  • needles
  • syringes
  • razors
  • Contaminated sharps

The reason is that hepatitis B can occur as a result of injection needles, tattoos, skin punctures, and exposure to blood.

How are hepatitis viruses transmitted?

And the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population explained on “Instagram” that it is transmitted through contaminated blood from a person infected with the disease, such as viruses (B), (C), and (D).

As for virus A, it is transmitted through contaminated food.

The Saudi Ministry of Health stated, on its website, that symptoms of hepatitis B may appear for several weeks, including:

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes
  • Abdominal pain
  • dark urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • extreme tiredness

She noted that some people do not experience any symptoms during the acute infection stage.

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