Be careful.. Sitting in this way may expose you to cancer

Bowel cancer refers to cancer that begins in the large intestine depending on where it is located, and it can be called colon or rectal cancer, and most people who develop this disease are over the age of 60, and this particular cancer is becoming more common in Western countries, we were that the risk factors for cancer are extensive Many studies have found that chronic constipation is a major risk factor for bowel cancer, and there is evidence that poor or inappropriate toilet habits can also lead to this type of cancer. Sitting to empty the bowels is expected to lead to constipation and bowel cancer More from squatting.

How to squat better

Squatting is the normal position for defecation, because it enables gravity to do most of the work, as the normal weight puts pressure on the vessel when you squat, so you will need less strain, and squatting allows the ileocecal valve, which is the valve between the small intestine and the large intestine, to close itself naturally Plus, the pubis, which is the muscle that attaches to the pubic bone, relaxes better while squatting, all this providing an easier bowel movement without much effort.

What happens when you sit down

Sitting on a toilet seat prevents the ileocecal valve from closing properly, making it difficult for you to get enough internal bowel pressure to successfully expel stool. While sitting on the toilet, the pelvic floor muscles used to control the bladder and bowels remain contracted, and when the thigh muscle doesn’t relax , you strain against her to defecate bewitching sitting.

Other causes of bowel cancer

The main cause of bowel cancer is unknown, but there are many things that can increase your risk, and one of these factors is your age, as 9 out of 10 people with bowel cancer are 60 years of age or older, and other risk factors include: the following:

  • The foods you eat. A diet rich in red or processed meat and low in fiber can increase your risk of bowel cancer.
  • If you are overweight or obese, you may be more likely to develop bowel cancer, and the same is true for people who are not physically active.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking can also increase the risk of bowel cancer.
  • A family history of bowel cancer may put you at risk of developing the disease.

How to prevent bowel cancer

There are many things you can do to make sure you have a healthy gut to avoid constipation, including:

  • Eat a healthy diet with homemade meals, and avoid high-fat fast food and processed foods.
  • Include fruits and vegetables that are full of fiber in your daily diet, in addition to drinking plenty of water every day.
  • Eating a fruit like kiwi can facilitate regular bowel movement.
  • Regular exercise can also help stimulate gut transit time.
  • In some previous studies, scientists found evidence that runners have fewer tumors than non-runners.

Bowel cancer symptoms

When bowel cancer reaches an advanced stage, a change in bowel movements is the first symptom that a patient notices. Other bowel cancer symptoms include:

  • More than 90 percent of bowel cancer patients have changes in bowel movements, and persistent changes in bowel habits may involve frequent bowel movements and stools may become more runny.
  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, or discomfort from eating all the time could be a sign of bowel cancer.
  • Bowel cancer may be accompanied by a loss of appetite or significant unintended weight loss.

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