Be careful where you park, they warn about car theft and wheels

This Sunday is the last day of the Confluence Festival in Neuquén. With the assistance of more than 300,000 people almost every night that they enjoyed the shows, police events were recorded about which their victims warn so that it does not happen to anyone else. Theft of tires above all, but also of cars, occurred in the vicinity of Island 132.

On Friday it was known theft of a car belonging to a firefighter Centennial volunteer. He had parked in Minas and Comahue, to walk to the property. Upon returning, during the early morning, he did not find the vehicle.

After a search that was unsuccessful, he went to make the complaint. He told that at the police station he They recognized that it was not the first fact of this class.

It turned out thatAt least 10 shots were stolen around the property, but the data was not confirmed by the Police. It was indicated that the complete report of the operation will be released after the end of the event.

However, The crimes that are occurring the most are tire thefts, with more than 200 facts. Last night, at the end of the shows, the same attendees were recording with their cell phones the shots that had been targeted by unknown persons.

From the Municipality enabled parking lots, with security. On the official website it was detailed that, on the Linares side, the property is on Saturnino Torres and Boerr streets. On the side of the entrance through Río Negro street, it was indicated that it is on Avenida Olascoaga y Pumamarca, Avenida Olascoaga y Aconcagua,
Ailín and La Pampa.

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