Being gored by a cow until it floats, this is a true story, not a joke.


Being gored by a cow until it floats, this is a true story, not a joke.

on ‘April 1st’ is there anyone ‘Became deceived’ Do you say each other?

Think about it… Think about it?


As you know, April 1 is the day April Fools’ Day or ‘Day of Lies’

Who will write the story that day? ‘Fool who?’ Okay, not wrong

so What a strange thing or look incredible

Therefore, it is often regarded as ‘Joke’wait

Although some things are ‘true story’ like an event

with a 43-year-old woman in Farmington, Maine, USA

go out ‘Jogging’and meet ‘Ferocious Bull’ who escaped from the farm

and then the cow ‘Chasing Gore’This woman. Then the cow also takes ‘he’gore

and lifted this woman until her feet were off the ground.

causing her injury there ‘Tear wound’need to sew several needles

This incident Farmington Police Station.

Posted on social media on April 1

Ready to emphasize strongly that it is true story no a lie Because I’m afraid no one will believe!!!

But to say that I was just deceived. ‘April 1’ What’s going on?

better ‘Being deceived every day’ don’t know yet


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