“Belgian Politics: The N-VA’s Conditions for Governing with Vlaams Belang”

2023-05-21 17:25:00

If the Vlaams Belang cleans up its shit, why not?”. This is the response, all in pictures, delivered in the Flemish newspaper De Zondag by the president of the N-VA Bart De Wever when he was asked if he preferred to govern with Vlaams Belang or with the PTB-PVDA. “As long as the party (the Vlaams Belang) tolerates extremists who insult and attack below the belt, it puts itself out of action. The day the Vlaams Belang establishes a credible trajectory for this to end, then it can govern as far as I’m concerned.”, continues Bart De Wever. On the other hand, he excludes any discussion with the far-left party. “If the communists participate in the exercise of power, then my suitcases are ready”, he decides.

The leader of the N-VA makes this internal cleaning the prerequisite and sine qua non discussions to form a government, assuming that Belang and N-VA are the two leading parties in Flanders and obtain a majority in the next election. “If the voters want this Vlaams Belang in power, ok, but it will be without me”, he says again.

Multiplication of the message

This is not the first time that Bart De Wever has set conditions for the discussion with Belang, thus refusing to completely close the door. In a recent interview given to French-language radio Bel RTL, he already explained that he did not want to participate in a government with the far-right party as it exists today. “As long as you keep fanatics in your ranks, people who say unacceptable things, it’s not okay. And I see that the Belang is still the Blok”. A few days earlier, the Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon did not say anything else. “We could not enter into negotiations with the Vlaams Belang as it stands today. There are people in this party with whom I refuse to be identified.”, he specified in our columns the day before the great party congress.

According to the latest survey The mood published on May 13, almost 6 out of 10 N-VA voters think it is possible to govern effectively with the far-right party.

#Bart #Wever #reiterates #conditions #govern #Vlaams #Belang

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