Belgian truffles in your garden? Yes it’s possible

A rare dish that is expensive, the Belgian truffle does not exist or hardly exists. This fungus, which develops with certain so-called truffle trees (oak, hornbeam, hazelnut trees in particular) grows on good limestone soils. It would therefore be easy to find some in certain Walloon places.

On the side of Ciney, Nadine Colmant a won his bet to get truffles in his garden. If it took time, the work was well thought out.

I’ve been in the game for 12 years. I did a test by chance. I thought with the land that contains a lot of limestone that I had in Belgium, I could have burgundy type truffles“, she explains to us.

“He failed count six and a half years before having the first truffle. To have them, Iused truffle hazelnut trees. I planted trees and as they matured they developed the fungus.

To have truffles, it is a priori not so complicated as that: “I knew that my land was calcareous. I did some tests at home, combined with the maps of the Walloon region, we know more or less how to identify if the soil is calcareous. It’s easy to find out.

And in terms of taste, we similar to the so-called Burgundy truffle. “It is different from that of the south of France. It is also less dark. She has a more subtle and lighter fragrance, a nutty tastelike that of burgundy.

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