Belgium Women’s Football: Anderlecht Prepares for Clash with Standard in Top Match

2024-03-02 16:45:30

In Belgium, the end of the classic phase is approaching and the points are worth even more each day.

This is true among the men, it is also true among the women, where the battle rages at the top of the ranking with Standard who took the lead in OHL thanks to an impressive series of victories.

Top match

But for the Liégeoises, a major obstacle stands in their way, Anderlecht. Currently third in the ranking, the Brussels women have also had a string of victories for some time and they took advantage of the international break to prepare as best as possible for this Saturday’s clasico.

The Frenchwoman Amélile Delabre prefaces this duel, she who has regularly found the path to the goals recently. “Scoring is always nice, but I’m dependent on my teammates’ passes,” she told Het Nieuwsblad.

Before continuing: “The international break allowed me to prepare for a fortnight for the summit match against Standard. It was ideal for me, but not for the group. We had to miss the numerous internationals during a week and a half. In fact, our coach only had two training sessions to train with the whole group and prepare us tactically.”

Despite the absences, Anderlecht is ready for a highly anticipated match: “I like this tension and this adrenaline. The mutual rivalry, the enthusiasm and the commitment are part of a match at the top between two football superpowers. It exists also in France and I love it.”

#Anderlecht #hurt #Standard #tension

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