Benefits of eating radish: helps take care of the kidneys

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— Radish is one of the foods that cannot go unnoticed in the nutritional field. Much of this is due to its multiple benefits for the body and, specifically, for taking care of the health of the kidneys.

This cruciferous fruit, with a fresh flavor and a bitter touch, is rich in sulfur compounds, which are considered a type of antioxidants.

That is why many specialists recommend it to eliminate toxins from the body. Generally, radish is eaten raw, but did you know that there is a particular way in which you can take advantage of its nutrients and exquisite flavor?

What health benefits does radish have?

Coming from China, in the market we can distinguish several species of radishes: daikon, which is white in color and has a mild flavor; black or winter, with white flesh and dark peel, but difficult to digest; or radishes, they have a crunchy texture with soft pulp, it is what we eat in Mexico.

The vegetable has a high water content and, therefore, a low caloric intake. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, it is also a natural source of vitamin C, potassium, iodine, iron and fiber.

For this reason, it is considered one of the vegetables with the greatest medicinal properties and about which little is said.

For example, its juice is helpful in treating respiratory diseases and gastric problems.

Thanks to its cholagogue and choleretic properties, radishes are always present in the diet of people at risk of liver failure and jaundice, although it is not only suitable for liver health.

In the kidneys, it is believed that black radish could help fight gallstones and gallbladder stones, according to research by Elia Brosla Naranjo Rodríguez and Ibrahim Guillermo Castro, academics at the Faculty of Chemistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

According to the information, the treatment of these diseases is reduced to pharmacological therapy or surgical interventions. For this reason, many people look for natural alternatives to reduce the symptoms of the pathology.

Likewise, eating red radishes prevents infections in the urinary tract and allows the metals that accumulate in the body – better known as endocrine disruptors – to be expelled. You may be surprised to know that the best way to eat radish is by making juice.

#Benefits #eating #radish #helps #care #kidneys
2024-04-29 06:05:19

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