The Transformative Power of Music: Boost Your Mental and Physical Health with the Healing Sounds

2023-10-06 05:00:00

Who hasn’t felt better emotionally after listening to the music they like? Who has not been able to handle the hardest moments of his life in a better way, thanks to connecting with the songs of someone, whom he will probably never meet, but which perfectly reflected his emotions? Friedrich Nietzsche said that life without music would be a mistake.

Our musical tastes can be very different from person to person, but on the other hand, our musical inclinations can depend on cultural factors, in addition to the fact that we can connect or want to listen to certain types of rhythms, depending on our moods.

Particularly, music energizes me, helps me recharge. It is an essential shot of vitality for me, which can elevate my spirit to other levels, but I want to go a little further: according to a study published by researchers from the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine del Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Mediademonstrated that the practice of musical interventions—that is, from listening to music, singing it, and music therapy—can generate great improvements in mental health, as well as in people’s physical health and quality of life.

In fact, during the most critical moments of the pandemic, Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles used to be played in some American hospitals, to encourage patients in the ICU who were in the process of recovery. And it is no wonder: listening to music with positive messages allows us to see rays of light in the darkness.

In addition, the exercise of singing or playing a wind instrument is highly beneficial for our respiratory system, which is why it became the ideal tool to help millions of post-covid patients.

Although our emotional relationship with music can be very complex, it is known that soft songs can help us fall asleep better, while rhythmic songs can help lift our spirits and motivate us to practice our exercise routines, or They allow us to express our emotions, in those special moments of our lives.

Music is, in short, joy for the body and medicine for the soul, so no matter how difficult this week goes, I invite you to connect with it so that the mental clouds turn into light rain.

#Joy #body #medicine #soul

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