Best Essential Oils to Boost Immunity and Fight Colds in Winter

2023-12-24 17:37:00

To fight colds and strengthen the immune system in winter, here are the best essential oils!

In this month of December, viruses tend to circulate a little too freely. So here are the best essential oils which help fight colds and strengthen the immune system in winter!

Essential oils to strengthen humanitarian defenses

In this cold period, viruses are back. They are showing up, to the great misfortune of the French. It is important to protect yourself well to avoid getting sick.

Because yes, it is possible to escape the flu, Covid, gastro and other viral illnesses. And what should you do if you find yourself with a blocked nose and difficulty breathing?

Are you also feeling more tired than usual? This means you need to get a grip on yourself. It is at this precise moment that the essential oils are making their debut, to give you a boost.

Indeed, these are capable of strengthening humanitarian defenses in winter at the top of your game! On their own, they also have the power to promote respiratory comfort. And boost immunity to help the body fight against these viruses.

In this article, discover the best essential oils which allow you to stay healthy in winter.

Le ravintsara

It’s about a essential oil which acts as an antiviral. You can use it in case of infections of the ENT system. For example, pour 3 drops into 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Spread everything on your back.

This will help fight coughs. As well as sore throats and colds… This product also fights against a runny nose. It helps the body fight bacterial and viral attacks.

But beware ! Ravintsara is not suitable for pregnant women under 3 months. As well as children under 3 months, people with asthma or epilepsy.

The best products in winter


It’s a essential oil which you cannot do without in winter. It promotes the expulsion of secretions, thanks to its antibacterial, anti-infectious and antiseptic properties.

If you put it on the neck, then it promotes respiratory comfort. This product also fights against physical and mental fatigue. Note that you can also put a few drops on a piece of sugar before putting it in your mouth.

Le tea tree

L’essential oil tea tree is an essential. In addition to making the skin better, it also helps stop the proliferation of inflammatory cells. It is therefore a real protective shield for colds.


There is also this model which fights viruses very well in winter. This oil also and above all relieves pain in the throat. It has the gift of replacing a syrup if you take several. Pretty awesome isn’t it!


It is stronger than normal mint. With a few drops, it manages to clear all the mucus inside the nose. Which also relieves the bronchi. And that’s not all ! Because this essential oil also provides a good boost.

You can pour a few drops onto a tissue before smelling it. Or pour two drops on the neck. Be careful not to apply it at eye level! You could experience a very unpleasant moment!

Peppermint is not for everyone. For example, pregnant or breastfeeding women cannot use it. The same for children under 6 years old, people with epilepsy or those with various illnesses.

Winter – Shay Coquelit essential oils

Hi, I’m Shay, web editor specializing in celebrity news and TV shows. Since I was little, I have loved following the Cannes festival. For six months, I have been writing articles in the People, cinema and media section. My passion for these fields is reflected in each of my articles. Stay tuned to Tuxboard for my latest news and analysis!

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