Beware.. Drinking water may lead to death in this case • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Experts stressed that it is necessary to know the sufficient amount of water daily to ensure obtaining these benefits, as drinking water in the wrong way may cause what is known as “water poisoning.”

Water intoxication occurs when you drink so much water that your kidneys can’t get rid of it fast enough, so they begin to dilute electrolytes, mainly sodium, in your blood. Water intoxication can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Water intoxication is a serious and severe condition because sodium levels in the blood drop rapidly, causing neurological changes such as hallucinations and disorientation. Adults need to drink about 2.7 to 3.7 liters of fluid a day, which comes from water, other drinks and food.

Water intoxication may occur from drinking more than three to four liters of water over a short period, such as an hour or two, according to Lewis Nelson, chief of emergency medicine at Rutgers College of Medicine in New Jersey.

Essentially, Nelson says, water intoxication is a neurological syndrome. Too much water can cause the brain to swell and disrupt normal functions. Early symptoms of water intoxication may include: “headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, forgetfulness.”

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