Big Brother: why Julieta struck Camila and who are the five nominees

Look at the video of the moment in which Julieta makes a sudden nomination for Camila in “Big Brother”. (Photo: Capture Telefe)

It was a gala with many surprises in Big Brother (Telephone). As it has been demonstrating in recent weeks, Juliet Poggio He played hard again and made the first spontaneous of this reality season.

“I nominate Camila because she doesn’t close her game on me and because they already warned me from outside that she had betrayed me. Once is fine, but twice if they tell me, no, ”she argued in the confessional.

Also read: “A kilo of steak weighs more than a buttock?”: Julieta and Daniela made the worst purchase in “Big Brother”

In addition to the cumbia singer, who was very upset by the strategy used against her, the rest of the participants who were left on the plate were Nacho, The Torah, Juliet y Daniela. This Thursday, one of them can be saved by Romina who prevailed in the last challenge and is the leader of the week.

This is how the “Big Brother” elimination plate was left. (Photo: Capture Telefe)

In dialogue with Santiago del Moro, Camila was upset at having been “struck down” and hinted that hypocrisy reigns in the most famous house in the house. “It may seem like they are friends, and maybe they will be when they go out, but this is a game”warned the driver of the cycle.

“A kilo of steak weighs more than a buttock?”: Julieta and Daniela made the worst purchase in “Big Brother”

The weekly purchase is one of the crucial activities for the subsistence of the contestants of Big Brother (Telephone). This Tuesday, Juliet y Daniela They were designated to fulfill that task. and they had an unusual doubt while trying to squeeze the most out of their limited budget.

“How much is a whole chicken?”asked the influencer. “They asked us for a chicken, so we bought a chicken and whatever it is,” Pestañela replied. However, Ju began to make calculations and tried to define what cuts of meat they should buy. “No, because bife de chorizo, obviously, weighs more than a buttock”, analyzed. Faced with that whore, although without much confidence, Dani corrected her and launched: “A kilo is the same as a kilo.”

Disney and Pestañela had the most unusual conversation while trying to buy food on a tight budget and against time. (Photo: Capture Telefe)

Against the clock and without being very clear about which products are supposed to be a priority and which are not, Disney and Thiago Medina’s ex were able to complete the task. However, the only certainty that remained after the weekly purchase is that they did not make the best decisions. In fact, They failed Marcos in his only request: to buy a box of tea.

On social networks, the comments and memes exploded with the last foray into the supermarket that he left in evidence that none of the girls perform this type of task outside the most famous house in the country. Undoubtedly, it was the worst so far in reality.

Daniela and Julieta had the strangest conversation in the “Big Brother” confessional. (Photo: Capture Telefe)

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